Quick Stats
First Release November 18, 2006
Last Release February 07, 2007
License GPL v2+

Firefox Session Editor (FFSE) is a utility to delete entries from the Firefox web browser's session store. The most common reason to do this is because you have stumbled upon a page which crashes Firefox as soon as your session is restored. Older versions of Firefox only gave you the option of erasing your entire session when this happened.

To use FFSE, you will need to have Python (first) and wxPython (second; version 2.6 recommended) installed on your system.

This program should work on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

Note: Starting at version 3.5, Firefox comes with a built-in session editor, so this program is no longer necessary.


The latest version is 1.0.1. It was released on February 07, 2007.

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